The Hong Kong Government published the white paper on the Further Development of Medicine and Health Services in 1974, which approved CUHK to establish the Faculty of Medicine. Due to the economic recession, the Medical Academic Advisory Committee was set up in 1976 to advise the University on curriculum outline, medical teaching building requirements, and staffing.
Through the whole project, Mr. Arthur E. Starling, the Planning officer of the Faculty of Medicine, played an important role, especially in preparing schedules of accommodation, supervising building works, ordering and installing equipment, and liaising with Government sectors, University departments and non-Government agencies.
Born in South London, Arthur Starling started his career in hospital administration in his early days. After years of experience in England and British Guiana (now Guyana), he joined the Hong Kong Government Medical & Health Department in late 1958, and promoted as the Chief Hospital Secretary of Medical & Health Department in 1969. He joined the University since 1977. He looked after the growth of the Faculty of Medicine for a decade till his retirement in 1987 summer.
In 1978, Starling and Faculty Dean Professor Gerald Choa visited a number of medical schools in the United Kingdom and France to see the latest developments of medical education. The Medical School of the University of Nottingham caught their attention, because its background was similar to the establishment of CUHK medical school. For example, both were the first local university medical school project collaborating with Government health department to build, design, equip and commission of a new hospital specifically designed as a teaching hospital. Many issues which University of Nottingham had experienced could be shared.
In 1980, the Government approved the teaching hospital to be known as the Prince of Wales Hospital. In 1981, intake of the first batch of students took place and a year later, Choh-Ming Li Basic Medical Sciences Building was fully operational.
The faculty faced a crisis in 1982 when the construction delay of teaching hospital affected clinical training for the first batch of medical students. Fortunately, with the support from Kowloon Hospital and the United Christian Hospital the problem was solved. The University was impressed by the level of helpfulness from the United Christian Hospital and its passionate staff. To fulfil the needs of a “University Centre”, cargo containers became temporary faculty offices seminar rooms and rest rooms, until 1984 when the Prince of Wales Hospital went into operation.
The achievements which the faculty have accomplished today, rely on the hard work of teaching staff, students and alumni, and support from the public. This year is the Ruby Jubilee of the CU Medicine, let’s commemorate.
李卓敏基本醫學大樓平面圖 Site Layout Plan of the Choh-Ming Li Basic
Medical Sciences Building |
蔡永業院長致送紀念牌予聯合醫院院長巴治安醫生, 以紀念聯合醫院暫借作中大臨牀教學醫院之用 Faculty of Medicine founding Dean Prof. Gerald Choa handing a plaque to Dr. E.H. Paterson, Medical Superintendent, United Christian Hospital, to express appreciation for support from the hospital
貨櫃內的臨時講室 Temporary
seminar room in a cargo container |
立法局議員黃夢花有關香港醫療服務與醫生問題的講稿(1974) Speech
by legislator Dr. Denny M.H. Huang on Hong Kong medical services and doctors
training |
中大醫學院醫學教育諮詢委員成員: (左起)陳鈞潤先生, 傅禮修爵士, 顏諾德爵士, 杜達雲爵士, 蔡永業教授, 施德若敎授, 史大齡先生 Medical
Academic Advisory Committee members: Mr. Andrew Chan, Sir A.P. McEwen Forrest, Sir Melville Arnott, Sir William Trethowan, Prof. Gerald Choa, Sir Charles Eric
Stroud, Mr. Arthur Starling |