2017年1月25日 星期三

日本研究課程五十年 50 Years of Japanese Studies Programme






The University has launched its Japanese programme since 1967. It was first introduced by Chung Chi College, and the service of a visiting professor and two visiting lecturers was made available through the Japanese Government.

In 1972, the University decided to offer Japanese as a minor programme and so an independent section was formed, under the French, German, Italian, and Japanese Committee of the Faculty of Arts.

To meet the growing needs of the community for Japanese-speaking professionals, the section was renamed as the Department of Japanese Studies in 1991. Since then, the Department has offered a multi-disciplinary major programme including academic training in Japanese society, culture, and language. One strength of the programme is the arrangement of a year-long academic exchange study for all major students. Through the extensive networks with top universities in Japan, students has the opportunity to study in Japan and to experience the culture.

Today the Department has developed into a comprehensive programme providing both undergraduate and postgraduate (Master of Arts & Articulated MPhil-PhD) training in Japanese studies and language. In 2015-16, about 3,500 students from every department at the University enrolled in the language and non-language courses offered by the Department.

For the development of CUHK’s Japanese programme please visit:

〈日文組課程〉,《崇基學院概覽 1967-68》
Japanese Courses Offered by the Section of Japanese Studies, Chung Chi College Calendar 1967-68


日本研究學系於藝墟擺設攤位 (1990s)
The Department of Japanese Studies’ Counter at Art Fair (1990s)


日本研究學系教師 (1992) (左至右):余均灼先生、河原博士、方徐明珠女士、網濱信乃女士、兒島慶治先生、山口慶子女士、李活雄博士
Teachers of the Department of Japanese Studies (1992) (from left to right): Mr. Yu Kwan Cheuk, Dr. Y. Kawahara, Mrs. Fong Chee Ming Choo, Ms. S. Amihama, Mr. Y. Kojima, Ms. Y. Yamaguchi, Dr. Lee Wood Hung