形形色色的賀函中,包括普林斯頓大學及哥倫比亞大學的拉丁文祝賀函;京都大學的手繪賀卡;耶魯大學秘書長Reuben A. Holden賀函委派耶魯大學香港校友會會長Heyward Isham出席典禮;牛津大學副校長的來函,更提及希望中大能夠協助英國的中文教學發展;西貢大學代校長范表心教授於典禮後,利用文華酒店信箋撰寫謝函,感謝邀請出席就職典禮。除了這些高等學府的祝賀外,與中大關係密切的雅禮協會Sidney Lovett,也從美國康乃狄克州發送電報祝福;還有香港培英中學校長溫金銘先生,親題賀辭祝賀廣州培英中學校友李卓敏博士成爲中文大學的首任校長。
這些信函,飄洋過海,五十多年前來到中文大學,今天由大學檔案保存並與大家分享。未知遠在耶魯大學的檔案庫,會否找到Reuben A. Holden或Sidney Lovett的賀函初稿,甚或李卓敏校長的回信呢?
The Installation of the First Vice-Chancellor and Conferment of Honorary Degrees Ceremony was held on 9 September 1964. We learned from the University Bulletin (vol. 1, no. 3) that overseas institutes, including Oxford University, Harvard University, McGill University, University of Saigon and University of Malaya, etc. sent their delegates to attend the ceremony.
Recently, Communications and Public Relations Office transferred a batch of archival records to the University Archives. They included documents about the installation ceremony. Congratulatory messages were found among these historical materials. These original messages are now on display in the University Gallery.
Among these precious items, there are greetings in Latin from the Princeton University and University of Columbia and a hand-painted card from Kyoto University. A letter signed by the Secretary of Yale University, Reuben A. Holden, showed that President of the Yale Club of Hong Kong was appointed to attend the ceremony. Pro-Vice-Chancellor of University of Oxford stated the wish to solicit support from CUHK in the teaching in Chinese. Thank you note from the Acting President of University of Saigon was written on a sheet of Mandarin Hotel letter headed paper. In addition, a telegram was sent from Sidney Lovett of Yale in China Association in Connecticut. Principal of Pui Ying Secondary School, Mr. Wan Kam Ming, delivered a handwritten verse to Dr. Li Choh-ming, an alumnus of Pui Ying Middle School in Guangzhou.
These messages travelled across the ocean and arrived CUHK more than 50 years ago. They are now preserved by the University Archives and shared with the public. Wonder if the draft of the messages from Reuben A. Holden or Sidney Lovett, or even the responses of Dr. Li can be found in the Archives at Yale?
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西貢大學代校長范表心教授謝函 |
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耶魯大學秘書長Reuben A. Holden賀函 |
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香港培英中學溫金銘校長賀辭 |