2019年3月28日 星期四

桂冠學人的故事——圖書捐贈儀式 The Laureates of Chinese Descent – Book Donation Ceremony


這本新書介紹15位華裔桂冠學人 (11位諾貝爾獎得主、3位拉斯克獎得主、1位沃爾夫獎得主) 的生平和研究道路。陳教授致辭時表示,希望他們的故事可以啓發後學。這15位赫赫學人,當中12位和中大有著深厚淵源:
  • 楊振寧  (榮譽理學博士,1997;中大設有楊振寧學術資料館)
  • 丁肇中  (榮譽理學博士,1987)
  • 李遠哲  (榮譽理學博士,1989)
  • 朱棣文  (榮譽理學博士,1998)
  • 崔琦     (榮譽理學博士,1999)
  • 高行健  (榮譽文學博士,2001;中大圖書館設有高行健特藏)
  • 錢永健  (榮譽理學博士,2009)
  • 高錕     (中大第三任校長;榮譽理學博士,1985)
  • 莫言     (榮譽文學博士,2014)
  • 李卓皓  (中大第一任校長李卓敏博士之弟)
  • 簡悅威  (榮譽理學博士,1981)
  • 吳健雄  (榮譽法學博士,1969)


A book donation ceremony was held in the University Gallery on 19 March. Professor Laurence K. Chan from the University of Colorado, U.S. introduced his co-edited book Nobel and Lasker Laureates of Chinese Descent in Literature and Science to the guests, and presented copies of the book to Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung, Professor Kenneth Young, and Lady Gwen Kao, who have contributed chapters to the book. Additional copies were donated to the Library for retention and circulation. The ceremony took place in front of the showcase of the two Nobel laureates, Professor Sir Charles Kao and Professor Yang Chen-ning.

This newly published book introduces the lives and researches of 15 Laureates of Chinese descent, including 11 Nobel Laureates, 3 Lasker Laureates, and 1 Wolf Laureate. Professor Chan stated that the editors “hope to inspire the youth to emulate them in the hope that they too might become Laureates one day.” Among those 15 Laureates, 12 of them have close relationship with CUHK, therefore it was so meaningful to hold the ceremony in such a hall that exhibits the history, memorable moments and achievements of the University.
  • Yang Chen-ning (Doctor of Science (DSc) honoris causa, 1997; CUHK has established the C.N. Yang Archive)
  • Ting Chao-chung Samuel (Doctor of Science (DSc) honoris causa, 1987)
  • Lee Yuan-tseh (Doctor of Science (DSc) honoris causa, 1989)
  • Steven Chu (Doctor of Science (DSc) honoris causa, 1998)
  • Tsui Chee Daniel (Doctor of Science (DSc) honoris causa, 1999)
  • Gao Xingjian (Doctor of Literature (DLit) honoris causa, 2001; CUHK Library has established Gao Xingjian Repository)
  • Roger Y. Tsien (Doctor of Science (DSc) honoris causa, 2009)
  • Charles Kao (CUHK 3rd Vice-Chancellor;Doctor of Science (DSc) honoris causa, 1985)
  • Mo Yan  (Doctor of Literature (DLit) honoris causa, 2014)
  • Li Choh-hao (Brother of CUHK 1st Vice-Chancellor Dr. Li Choh-ming)
  • Kan Yuet-wai (Doctor of Science (DSc) honoris causa, 1981)
  • Wu Chien-shiung (Doctor of Laws (LLD) honoris causa, 1969) 
(& Tsung-Dao Lee, Youyou Tu, and Min Chiu Li)

Professor Laurence K. Chan introduced his co-edited book Nobel and Lasker Laureates of Chinese Descent in Literature and Science to the guests.

陳光輝教授 (左2) 在諾貝爾獎得主——高錕教授和楊振寧教授的獎項展櫃前,將新書贈與沈祖堯教授 (右2)、楊綱凱教授 (左1)、高錕夫人黃美芸女士 (中),和大學圖書館李露絲館長 (右1) 。
Professor Laurence K. Chan (2nd left) presented the books to Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung (2nd right), Professor Kenneth Young (1st left), Lady Gwen Kao (middle), and the University Librarian Ms. Louise Jones (1st right) in front of the showcase of the Nobel Laureates Professor Sir Charles Kao and Professor Yang Chen-ning.

Professor Laurence K. Chan (left) visited the University Library to view archival collections of the Nobel Laureates Professor Sir Charles Kao and Dr. Gao Xinjian.

Nobel and Lasker Laureates of Chinese Descent in Literature and Science

