2018年10月26日 星期五

大學檔案的研究支援服務 University Archives’ Research Support Service


例如最近由中大新亞書院、藝術系、藝術系系友會出版的《趙鶴琴》一書,介紹這位在中大任教多年的著名篆刻書畫家生平,並選刊其印章作品、文章及講義等,為研究趙氏藝術成就的重要參考著作。《趙》書編輯小組得知中大校長鈐章為趙先生所刻(連結),於是聯絡大學檔案搜集相關資料,而大學檔案亦積極協助,終尋得藏於中大傳訊及公共關係處的「香港中文大學校長之章篆刻設計書」(1964),另有趙鶴琴書中大校訓「博文約禮」式樣 (1964) 及趙鶴琴潤例 (1959, 1963, 1968) 等,收錄《趙》書中。  


In addition to collect, organize and preserve CUHK records that have enduring value, the University Archives also strives to promote the use of the historical records by supporting teaching, research, publishing, and audio-visual production activities of the University community and external users.  

For instance, Chao Ho-chin, a book recently published by CUHK’s New Asia College, Department of Fine Arts, and the Alumni Association of Fine Arts Department, which introduces the life of the famous seal carving artist and painter who had taught in CUHK for years. The book collects Mr. Chao’s seal carving works and reprints his articles and lecture notes, etc. The editorial team of the book had contacted the University Archives for collecting relevant information of one of the Mr. Chao’s work – the CUHK Vice-Chancellor’s Seal (link). With help of the University Archives, the preliminary proposal of the seal (1964), the calligraphy of CUHK motto – “Bo Wen Yue Li” written by Mr. Chao (1964), as well as the price list (1959, 1963, 1968) were found in the Communications and Public Relations Office of the University. The images of the above-mentioned items were presented in the book.

If you have research enquiries relating to the history of CUHK, please feel free to contact us.

趙鶴琴先生 (1894-1971) – 曾在中大任教多年 (1959-1968) 的著名篆刻書畫家
Mr. Chao Ho-chin (1894-1971) – famous seal carving artist and painter who had taught in CUHK from 1959 to 1968

Chao Ho-chin Cover

Chao Ho-chin Table of Content – the preliminary proposal of the CUHK Vice-Chancellor’s Seal and the
price list provided by the University Archives are in “Appendix”

《趙鶴琴》「香港中文大學校長之章」篆刻設計書 (1964)。印章最初設計用獅子作鈕,最終成品則以鳳作鈕
Chao Ho-chin – the preliminary proposal of the CUHK Vice-Chancellor’s Seal (1964). The holder of the seal in the early proposal was lion, and later it was changed to phoenix.

《趙鶴琴》趙鶴琴書中大校訓「博文約禮」式樣 (1964)
Chao Ho-chin – the calligraphy of CUHK motto – “Bo Wen Yue Li” written by Mr. Chao (1964)

《趙鶴琴》趙鶴琴潤例 (1959, 1963, 1968)

Chao Ho-chin – Price List  (1959, 1963, 1968)

