2018年1月30日 星期二

馬臨教授的珍貴展品 Professor Ma Lin’s Precious Relics on Display

中大第二任校長馬臨教授 (1924-2017) 於2017年10月16日辭世,享年九十三歲。馬校長於1964年加入中大,籌設生物化學系,1973年升任生物化學系首任講座教授,並任理學院院長,1978年出任中大校長,至1987年榮休,服務大學歷二十三年。馬校長於任内完成富爾敦第二次報告書 (1976) 之改革建議,實現大學體制的整合;成立醫學院,使中大更趨全面;又推行暫取新生計劃,檢討課程結構,改用學分制,更首辦哲學博士課程,及進一步發展專業教育。此外,更籌設並成立逸夫書院,爲書院傳統注入新的生命力。


Professor Ma Lin (1924-2017), the second Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, passed away on 16 October 2017, aged 93. Professor Ma joined CUHK in 1964 and helped set up the new Department of Biochemistry.  He was the Founding Chair of Biochemistry in 1973, and then the Dean of Science. In 1978 he was appointed Vice-Chancellor of the University and steered its development until 1987 when he retired after a service of 23 years. Under Professor Ma’s leadership, CUHK completed the implementation of the recommendations in the second Fulton Report of 1976 as well many other achievements. The Faculty of Medicine was established, the undergraduate programme was reviewed and the Provisional Acceptance Scheme introduced. As well the credit unit system was implemented for the undergraduate curriculum. There was also an expansion of postgraduate programmes to the doctoral level, and the establishment of a reinforced professional education system. The college tradition was further strengthened as well by the establishment of Shaw College.

In memory of Prof. Ma, the University Gallery now has a showcase to introduce Prof. Ma’s life as well as his contributions to the University, and display precious relics such as manuscripts, letters, biography, and the Vice-Chancellor’s reports, etc.

大學展覽廳 University Gallery

地址 Address
香港 新界 沙田 香港中文大學 大學圖書館地下
G/F, University Library, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong

電話 Phone

電郵 Email

開放時間 Opening Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday: 10am – 5pm
Wednesday: 12nn – 5pm
Sunday: 2pm – 5pm
Closed on Public Holidays

〈懷念先賢馬臨教授 (1924-2017)〉,《中文大學校刊》二零一七年第二期
 “In Memory of Professor Ma Lin (1924-2017)”, CUHK Bulletin No.2, 2017

“In Honour of Dr. Ma Lin”, CUHK Bulletin No.3, 1987