2021年9月30日 星期四

Celebration for Professor CN Yang at 100

楊振寧教授是當代最重要的理論物理學家之一,也是最早獲得諾貝爾獎的華人之一,與中文大學有超過半世紀的情誼,現為中大博文講座教授。楊教授即將迎來百歲誕辰,中大藉「楊振寧教授百齡華誕」慶祝活動, 包括研討會、講座及由大學展覽廳舉辦的「楊振寧教授百齡華誕 — 物理巨擘 中大摯友」展覽,向楊教授致敬。

展覽介紹楊教授的人生里程和事跡,並展出楊教授的珍藏,包括筆記、研究文章、畢業證書、照片,以及諾貝爾物理學獎等多個獎章的複製品。這些來自楊振寧學術資料庫和大學檔案的展品記錄了楊教授非凡的科研路— 在第二次世界大戰期間本科畢業,輾轉到美國芝加哥修讀博士,繼而取得舉世矚目的學術成就,到晚年回到清華大學任教。展覽亦有介紹楊教授與中大深厚的淵源及播放楊教授於1964年在香港大會堂演講的錄音和重製講義。

展覽於大學展覽廳舉行,展期由2021年9月22日至2022年1月28日。 免費參觀,惟須預先登記。有關展覽詳情及登記方法,可瀏覽:http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ugallery/tc/zone-h.html 有興趣的讀者歡迎參觀網上虛擬導覽

Professor CN Yang, a friend of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) for over half a century and our Distinguished Professor-at-Large, is one of the most important theoretical physicists of the contemporary era, and one of the first Chinese to win the Nobel Prize. As Professor Yang enters the hundredth year of a remarkable life, CUHK is delighted to host a series of celebration events, including an academic conference, public lectures and an exhibition “Professor CN Yang at 100 – Grand master of physics, stalwart friend of CUHK” at the University Gallery.

The exhibition showcases precious collections from Professor Yang and takes audiences on a journey through Professor Yang’s life and experience. The selected items on display include his study notes, research papers, graduation certificates and photographs as well as replicas of the Nobel medal and other medals. These exhibits from The CN Yang Archive and The University Archives document his progress, first as a university student during the difficult years of World War Two, then as a doctoral student in Chicago, onward to a distinguished career, and his return to Tsinghua in later years. His long association with CUHK is especially featured. A remake of Professor Yang's 1964 public lecture at the Hong Kong City Hall is also shown.

The exhibition is being held in the University Gallery from 22 September 2021 to 28 January 2022. Admission is free and advance registration is required. For details, please visit: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/ugallery/en/zone-h.html . Take a virtual tour of the exhibition.

清華大學第六屆留美公費生取錄名單, 1944
Recipients list of The Sixth Tsinghua University Fellowship for further study in the United States, 1944

量子力學筆記, 1942
Notebook related to quantum mechanics, 1942

碩士畢業論文, 1944
MSc Thesis - Investigations in the Statistical Theory of Superlattices, 1944

2021年7月21日 星期三

Backstage Hero: Stephen C. Soong

宋淇,1919年生於上海,1940年畢業於燕京大學西語系,曾從事編輯、翻譯和編劇製作等工作。1969年加入香港中文大學任大學校長特別助理,1973年起任翻譯研究中心主任至1984年8月退休。在1973-78年間,更同時身兼校長特別助理及翻譯研究中心主任兩個職務。宋先生工作範疇涉及甚廣,當中包括為李卓敏校長編寫中、英文演講講稿;1969-80年擔任大學校刊編輯期間,於1975年帶領及策劃校刊改版,最顯著的改變為刊物的封面和封底皆以大學建築及活動的照片組成,極具中大特色,屢獲讀者讚賞;作為翻譯家,積極推廣翻譯及翻譯研究工作 : 1973年11月與高克毅先生創《譯叢》中文英譯期刊,1975年出任《譯叢》主編,為英語讀者開通了對中國文學世界的探索之門。宋淇退休後一直擔任中國文化硏究所翻譯硏究中心名譽顧問;1988年宋淇與高克毅為了讓翻譯研究中心打好長遠的財政基礎,更合捐一百萬設立《譯叢》訪問學人計劃,讓中大得到更多學者的惠澤。

值得一提,宋淇筆名甚多,尤以「林以亮」最為常用,據其子宋以朗在《宋淇傳奇 : 從宋春舫到張愛玲》敘述,林以亮這個筆名,是從女兒名字宋元琳中取出「林」,加上兒子宋以朗中的「以朗」併湊而成,但由於「林以朗」念起來很拗口,便改為林以亮。先生也曾以「林以亮」的筆名為中大學生會會歌填詞及撰寫校刊內的人物簡介。


Stephen C. Soong was born in 1919 in Shanghai and graduated from Yenching University in 1940. He was a distinguished editor, translator, critic and writer-producer. He first joined the University in 1969 as the Special Assistant to the Vice-Chancellor, and became the Director of the Research Centre for Translation in 1973 and retired from the position in 1984 summer. Talented Soong performed a variety of tasks, from preparing Vice-Chancellor’s speeches, to Editor of the Chinese University Bulletin and Chair of the University Bulletin Editorial Board (1969-80). He also initiated a revamp of the Chinese University Bulletin in 1975. As a translator, he actively promoted translation and research in translation studies. In 1975, he became the Editor of Renditions, the flagship journal of the Research Centre for Translation. After retirement in 1984, Soong’s ties to CUHK remained strong. He was honorary adviser to the Research Centre for Translation and had made generous donations in support of its programmes.

Besides various tasks and duties, he also contributed the lyrics for CUHK Student Union anthem in the name of Lin Yiliang.

Stephen Soong passed away in 1996. Today, his founding journal, Renditions, still provides an important affirmation of sameness in its mission in translation. Moreover, the Research Centre for Translation marks its 50th anniversary this year. Its contribution to promoting Chinese literature internationally through high-quality translation works and fostering pioneering research in Translation Studies are well recognized.

Stephen Soong with a copy of Renditions

Stephen Soong and his wife Mae Fong Soong


宋淇致校長李卓敏關於亞洲高等教育專題會議開幕詞的便條 及相關筆記
Memo from Stephen Soong to Vice-Chancellor on opening speech for Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning Workshop and relating notes 


The lyrics of CUHK Student Union anthem by Lin Yiliang

《中文大學校刊》第五巻第四期 一九六八年十二月

人物素描: 翻譯研究中心主任宋淇先生


Hung, and Hung, Eva. The Renditions Experience 1973-2003. Hong Kong: Research Centre for Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2003. Print.

宋以朗. 宋淇傳奇 : 從宋春舫到張愛玲. 1st ed. Hong Kong: Oxford UP (China) Limited, 2014. Print.

2021年6月29日 星期二


植物學家胡秀英教授(1908?-2012)與崇基學院結緣於學院成立前。眾所周知,崇基學院的創立乃繼承國內十三間基督教大學的辦學使命,金陵女子大學和廣州嶺南大學並列其中, 1933年畢業於南京金陵女子文理學院,1938年獲廣州嶺南大學生物系碩士學位的胡教授,早已是十三分之二個崇基人。

今年為胡秀英教授逝世9周年,大學展覽廳蒙崇基學院借出胡教授的簡歷及聘書、中大出版社借出與《中藥詞彙》An Enumeration of Chinese Materia Medica出版相關的手稿及書信、胡秀英植物標本館借出胡教授的畢業證書、植物標本、手稿及書信,讓大家感受冬青之母一生為植物學、中醫藥科研及中文大學的貢獻。

致大學校務主任胡熙德的求職信 (1967) --崇基學院提供

(1938) --胡秀英植物標本館提供

(1980) --中大出版社提供

致崇基學院院長容啓東關於植物標本館的信函(1970) --胡秀英植物標本館提供

2021年5月28日 星期五

Backstage Hero Series: Arthur E. Starling






The Hong Kong Government published the white paper on the Further Development of Medicine and Health Services in 1974, which approved CUHK to establish the Faculty of Medicine. Due to the economic recession, the Medical Academic Advisory Committee was set up in 1976 to advise the University on curriculum outline, medical teaching building requirements, and staffing.

Through the whole project, Mr. Arthur E. Starling, the Planning officer of the Faculty of Medicine, played an important role, especially in preparing schedules of accommodation, supervising building works, ordering and installing equipment, and liaising with Government sectors, University departments and non-Government agencies.

Born in South London, Arthur Starling started his career in hospital administration in his early days. After years of experience in England and British Guiana (now Guyana), he joined the Hong Kong Government Medical & Health Department in late 1958, and promoted as the Chief Hospital Secretary of Medical & Health Department in 1969. He joined the University since 1977. He looked after the growth of the Faculty of Medicine for a decade till his retirement in 1987 summer.

In 1978, Starling and Faculty Dean Professor Gerald Choa visited a number of medical schools in the United Kingdom and France to see the latest developments of medical education. The Medical School of the University of Nottingham caught their attention, because its background was similar to the establishment of CUHK medical school. For example, both were the first local university medical school project collaborating with Government health department to build, design, equip and commission of a new hospital specifically designed as a teaching hospital. Many issues which University of Nottingham had experienced could be shared.

In 1980, the Government approved the teaching hospital to be known as the Prince of Wales Hospital. In 1981, intake of the first batch of students took place and a year later, Choh-Ming Li Basic Medical Sciences Building was fully operational.

The faculty faced a crisis in 1982 when the construction delay of teaching hospital affected clinical training for the first batch of medical students. Fortunately, with the support from Kowloon Hospital and the United Christian Hospital the problem was solved. The University was impressed by the level of helpfulness from the United Christian Hospital and its passionate staff. To fulfil the needs of a “University Centre”, cargo containers became temporary faculty offices seminar rooms and rest rooms, until 1984 when the Prince of Wales Hospital went into operation.

The achievements which the faculty have accomplished today, rely on the hard work of teaching staff, students and alumni, and support from the public. This year is the Ruby Jubilee of the CU Medicine, let’s commemorate.

Site Layout Plan of the Choh-Ming Li Basic Medical Sciences Building

Faculty of Medicine founding Dean Prof. Gerald Choa handing a plaque to
Dr. E.H. Paterson, Medical Superintendent, United Christian Hospital,
to express appreciation for support from the hospital

Temporary seminar room in a cargo container

Speech by legislator Dr. Denny M.H. Huang
on Hong Kong medical services and doctors training

中大醫學院醫學教育諮詢委員成員: (左起)陳鈞潤先生, 傅禮修爵士, 顏諾德爵士,
杜達雲爵士, 蔡永業教授, 施德若敎授, 史大齡先生
Medical Academic Advisory Committee members: Mr. Andrew Chan,
Sir A.P. McEwen Forrest, Sir Melville Arnott, Sir William Trethowan,
Prof. Gerald Choa, Sir Charles Eric Stroud, Mr. Arthur Starling 

2021年3月22日 星期一

Virtual Tour of the CUHK University Gallery



The University Gallery of the Chinese University of Hong Kong is a place showing the footprints of the CUHK history. While planning the 2013 University Golden Jubilee events, it was widely agreed that this was the time to set up a university gallery to pay tribute to our founders and showcase our unique features. Through the display of hundreds of precious photographs, artefacts, and multimedia resources, the University Gallery exhibits the history, memorable moments and achievements of CUHK in half a century.

In view of limited services due to the pandemic situation, the University Gallery is offering a new virtual tour in high resolution with more information about the display items. Via the platform, anyone can visit the gallery anytime and anywhere. You may find some interesting stories behind those highlight exhibits.

虛擬導覽連結 Access the virtual tour:

2021年1月29日 星期五

中大當年今日事 —《中大簡訊》數碼化
CUHK Then and Now: reading the Chinese University Newsletter online






The University Archives is proud to introduce a new digital collection. The digital version of Chinese University Newsletter is available for browsing and searching online through the CUHK Library Digital Repository website. (Campus or CUHK VPN (Virtual Private Network) access only).

First published in 1973, the Chinese University Newsletter was compiled by the General and Public Affairs Section of the University Registry. The publication was a channel to expedite communication among the various units of the University. Information on University developments, announcements and activities were the core of the Newsletter. Since December 1989, it was continued by CUHK Newsletter and the Publication Office of the University Secretariat was responsible for the production. In 2005, the editorial role was carried on by the Information Services Office. The new design is attractive and the contents is plentiful nowadays. Please follow this link (https://www.iso.cuhk.edu.hk/english/pub/newsletter) to read the current issue.

In addition to information about campus works, visiting scholars, talks, exhibitions, and staff development programs, interesting news can be found in the Newsletter. The first University telephone directory was published in 1973. The famous cellist Yo-Yo Ma, nephew of our former Vice-Chancellor Dr CM Li, visited the University in 1977. Perhaps due to overcrowding of the fish pond of the Institute of Chinese Studies, a sale was held in 1977 to find new owners of 400 tails of brocade carp. Revision of teaching timetable, joint admissions for the universities and recruitment of Vice-Chancellor were announced in the 1980s.

With the largest campus in Hong Kong, CUHK started to form its community during the early days. The Newsletter shows growth records of this community. The swimming pool, bookstore and barbershop were open in 1973. Hang Seng Bank commenced service in 1974. The supermarket started to operate in 1981. School bus is every CUHK members daily. From the Newsletter, we notice that there were only two routes in 1975.

Let’s check out the Chinese University Newsletter, to discover more of CUHK.





2020年12月30日 星期三

The University Gallery during the COVID-19 Pandemic





Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus in January, the University Gallery has imposed preventive measures to ensure safety of visitors. In order to maintain social distancing, Gallery visits are by appointment only. All visitors are required to declare their health status for the past 14 days. Visitors entering the gallery are subject to body temperature check. Disinfection floor mat is placed at the entrance and hand sanitizer is provided at different areas inside the Gallery. Regular cleaning is applied to all interactive touch panels. Spray of anti-microbial coating is arranged to prevent microbial contamination and provide long-lasting protection.

Some display items have been replaced and new contents are added during this period. These included update of University outstanding research projects on the touch screen display, video clips of the "Revisiting the Nobel Laureates Lectures" series, and "Congratulatory Messages of 1964" which is introduced in our October blog post. In addition to new contents, there are also refurbishment works to maintain a suitable environment for exhibits and to enhance visitors' experience, such as replacement of lighting of display cabinets and installment of new wall display cases and flooring on the LG/F.

In addition to collecting historical files from different units, the University Archives has also scanned and turned campus maps of 1963-2009 into digital format. As mentioned in August blog post, they are available at the University Archives Digital Collection. Facing the pandemic, a campus-wide project "Contribute to COVID-19 CUHK Community Archive" is launched. The project encourages CUHK students, faculty, staff and alumni to document their personal experiences during the COVID-19 outbreak and contribute them to the University Archives for future study or research.

2020 has been a very challenging year for everyone. 2021 is fast approaching. Wish you good health and prosperity in the new year!

Spray of anti-microbial coating

Spray of anti-microbial coating

Lighting before replacement

Lighting after replacement

Old wall display cabinet

Newly installed wall display cabinet