2017年6月30日 星期五

創校留影--來自耶魯的禮物 A Gift from Yale


這些錄像很難得,影片原為耶魯大學雅禮協會拍攝。雅禮協會與中大的淵源始於上世紀。新亞書院成立不久,協會每年安排耶魯畢業生來書院教授英語,並於六十年代資助書院興建校舍;中大成立後,於七十年代與中大聯合開辦專爲外籍學生而設的亞洲課程。六十多年來學術、文化、研究各方面的合作交流從未間斷。2013年1月,校長沈祖堯教授率代表團前往美國紐黑文,頒授榮譽法學博士證書予耶魯大學校長Richard Charles Levin教授,耶魯大學就將這些剛修復好的影片送予中大。


《中文大學校刊》1976年秋 <中文大學亞洲課程部>

香港 新界 沙田 香港中文大學 大學圖書館地下

In addition to the precious artifacts, the multimedia resources in the University Gallery are also worthy of attention. One of the display panels is playing videos of CUHK Inauguration Ceremony held on 17 October 1963, early campuses of three founding Colleges i.e. Chung Chi College, New Asia College, and United College, and interviews of the College Heads.

These videos were filmed by Yale-China Association. The ties between the Association and CUHK have been established for decades. Yale-China sent Yale graduates to New Asia College to teach English in the 1950s, sponsored the College campus construction in the 1960s, and jointly launched the International Asian Studies Programme with CUHK in the 1970s. More academic and cultural exchange programmes between the two institutions have been fostered. In January 2013, the Vice-Chancellor Professor Joseph Sung led a delegation to New Haven to confer the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws to Professor Richard Charles Levin, the President of Yale University. Yale University presented to Professor Sung a remastered copy of these early video recordings.

The original video clips were all silent. Fortunately, voice recordings of the Ceremony and interviews of the College heads are kept by CUHK Communications and Public Relations Office. With the expertise of the Audio-Visual Division (CUAV) colleagues, the audio and video clips are merged seamlessly to show visitors the scene of 1963.

Further Reading
CUHK Bulletin Autumn 1976 “International Asian Studies Programme”

Location of the University Gallery
G/F, University Library, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
Opening Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday:
(Closed on Wednesday, Sunday, and Public Holidays)

The University Gallery plays videos of the University history

中大成立典禮——關祖堯爵士報告 (17/10/1963)
CUHK Inauguration Ceremony-Report given by the Hon. C.Y. Kwan (17/10/1963)

中大成立典禮——柏立基校監致辭 (17/10/1963)
CUHK Inauguration Ceremony-Address given by Sir Robert Black (17/10/1963)

崇基學院院長容啓東博士訪問 (1963)
Interview of Dr. C.T. Yung, Head of Chung Chi College (1963)

新亞書院院長錢穆博士訪問 (1963)
Interview of Dr. Ch’ien Mu, Head of New Asia College (1963)

聯合書院院長鄭棟材先生訪問 (1963)
Interview of Mr. T.C. Cheng, Head of United College (1963)